
RSS Media, a great potential for online music distribution

March 1, 2007

Really Simple Syndication or RSS is a XML file (eXtensible Markup Language) which usually contains information such as news update or links. RSS feeds are widely used to get information from your favorite sites, from only one place (a web browser with RSS enabled for example).
But RSS has much more potential than carrying text or links. RSS 2.0 is able to carry information about media file which allow the reader to play the file from their RSS reader. Information such as size, type but also copyright and rating (if explicit content for example) can be contain into the RRS feeds. RSS 2.0 is part of the new web standard 2.0 and still have to reach a lot of web users who doesn’t use this technology yet. In a near future, I can imagine that RSS feeds and so RSS media will be as common as peer-to-peer at open the door to a major online music distribution system.
In order to respect copyright and make it profitable, a fee could be applied to the obtention of the RSS feeds.


  1. I think that this is a good blog that points out the major points into what RSS feeds are. I hope to research into RSS feeds as i have not subscribed to any myself as of yet.

  2. I think it could be hard to market an RSS feed that people have to pay to obtain – other than podcasting.

  3. short and to the point! I think that RSS is really useful internet tool, and i think your right in suggeting that it will become a popular music ditributor.

  4. A good description of RSS however I don’t think this a commercially viable form of distibution, as many consumers are unwilling to pay for music when it’s available for free elsewhere.

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